Audit & Assurance Services

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Audit + Assurance Services

  • Our audit and assurance work is performed by our personable and dedicated audit and assurance team.
  • We are approachable, supportive and professional, working with you to provide a robust audit whilst maintaining our required professional independence as auditors.
  • We understand that continuity is key to maintaining strong relationships and wherever possible, we look to ensure that the team working with you is consistent in order to develop a strong relationship that you can trust.
  • Our response times are excellent, and we pride ourselves on the timeliness and quality of our work and our proactive advice.
  • We communicate with you throughout the audit cycle to ensure there are “no surprises” in our approach or findings from our work.
  • We use our insight, skills and experience to guide you through the ever changing and increasingly complex financial reporting framework. 
  • We work “in partnership” with you.

Our “No Surprises” Approach

We ensure a “no surprises” approach to auditing your financial statements with clear, regular communication throughout the audit process. For some smaller, lower-risk businesses, some of the following key audit stages may be combined:

Client Take-on + Ongoing Acceptance

We will perform procedures that will ensure there are no factors that prevent our initial or ongoing acceptance of the audit engagement.

Understanding The Business – Risks + Controls

It is very important that we work with you to form a good understanding of your business. This will help us to identify the key day-to-day risks together, consider the impact those risks may have on your financial statements and identify any controls that may help mitigate those risks. We will plan our audit work in order to confirm whether or not there are any material misstatements in your financial statements.

Audit Planning - Client Communication

We will meet with you at the planning stage of the audit process, to present and discuss our audit plan and overall approach to the audit, including key timings. This also gives you the opportunity to discuss any specific areas of concern you may wish for us to focus on.

Systems + Controls

We will document and/or update our understanding of the key business systems and controls and, if appropriate, we will test those key controls in operation if we consider this to be effective to the overall approach.

Detailed Testing – Transactions + Balances

Based on our assessment of the key risks identified and key controls to mitigate those risks, we will perform detailed testing of transactions and year-end balances to identify whether or not there are any material misstatements of amounts or disclosures in the financial statements.

Reporting Of Findings

Having kept you up to date with any findings throughout our audit process, we will formally meet with you to report and discuss our key audit findings, including:

  • Any potential adjustments to, or additional disclosures required in, the financial statements, prior to finalising our auditor’s report.
  • Any internal control or other recommendations for improvements in systems or procedures

Completion + Debrief

We will review and discuss with you our overall approach in order to identify any changes that may improve the effectiveness or efficiency of our audit for next year.

Other Assurance Services

We can also provide other assurance services, including independent assurance reports on financial statements of audit-exempt companies, assurance reports, audits of grant claims and independent reviews of financial systems and controls.

01226 282461. Or if you would prefer, ask us a question online.

Require more information?

If you would like more information or would like to speak to us direct then call us on 01226 282461. Or if you would prefer, ask us a question online.

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Harris + Co, Marland House, 13 Huddersfield Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 2LW

Contact us today!

01226 282461

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